Small Strides Easter Holiday Fun Day
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Unsure of what to do this Easter with the children while they are off school?
Why not bring them along to a Small Strides activity fun day?
Set in the quiet, picturesque country side, between Bitton & Lansdown, it’s the perfect setting for them to interact and learn about horses, explore nature all in the safe environment with fully qualified, experienced facilitators and handlers.
Tuesday 9th April
10:30am - 2pm
Easter Egg Hunt & Pony Fun Day
Participate in a fun egg hunt
Pony Care & Activities
No previous experience with horses necessary
No riding involved - all ground based activities
We specialise in working with neurodivergent children and those with additional needs. All children welcome.
£45 per person must pay in full when booking please.
Limited places available. Please contact Jenny on 07817997568 to book your place